Egg Syntax Web Presence Index:
AI Safety Research: Since 2023, I've shifted to technical research on decreasing existential risk from advanced AI, funded by BERI and LTFF. (initial research link)
Code: I've been a professional software developer since 2008, focused especially on Clojure.
Tin Pan Algorithm: This is my most recent musical identity, under which I've released one album.
Art: 2008 student portfolio site. Both the technology and the aesthetic are pretty dated at this point, but this is where you can find much of my non-musical art.
Blog: A curated selection of neat stuff that I've been maintaining for a decade or so.
Mixes: I've been known to DJ. I've also made quite a few mixes as annual Winter Solstice gifts.
Geothermophone: One of my more ambitious art pieces; an installation which turns global weather data into music.
Climate research: I coauthored a new, more accurate algorithm to measure precipitation for climate purposes and have two publications in that area.
Glossolalia: There's various older music here.
Listening: I've been tracking all the music I listen to since 2005.
Work-in-progress blog: Musical work-in-progress blog, last updated 2022.
You can also find me on twitter or linkedin if you like.