Commuting illustrator draws his fellow riders, publishes a newspaper for them containing his sketches

Commuting illustrator draws his fellow riders, publishes a newspaper for them containing his sketches:

Newspaper Club is a service in London that lets people publish super-limited-edition newspapers. They’re always finding surprising and sweet niches for newspapers. One recent example is Steve Wilkin, an illustrator who rides the 7:38 train from Hebden Bridge to the University of Central Lancashire, where he teaches illustration. For ten years, he’s been sketching the regulars on his train. Now, he’s put out his own micro-newspaper, 738, containing a selection of those sketches, intended for the commuters he rides with every day.

For the past ten years he has been drawing people on his daily commute. A free newspaper gave him the inspiration to publish his sketchbooks in newspaper format. With funding from the contemporary arts development group (CADG) at the University of Central Lancashire he published 500 x 16-page traditionally-printed newspapers to give out to his fellow travellers.

738 – a journey in newsprint
(via Beyond the Beyond)