How We Cope with Spammers, Fakers, and Cloners

[Funny and interesting. -egg]

The Echo Nest knows approximately 2.4 million artists as part of our database of music information, which is the largest in the world. However, we also keep a list of artists to ban from our system intentionally, so they never get recommended on any of our clients’ services, or in their apps.

This isn’t a matter of taste (so Coldplay and Raffi are in no danger). It’s because those banned artists are spammers.

Musical spam is much less familiar than email spam, but it works the same way: If it’s too hard to find the 10 people who might enjoy a shady or questionable product, spammers go for sheer volume, in their attempts to spoil your online experience with unwanted email or music.

Let’s take a tour through the tawdry world of musical spam, including a few exceptions that we choose not to ban.

via The Echo Nest Blog.