The Bear in the Moonlight | Math with Bad Drawings

These are fun, and will be especially of use to someone who doesn’t care for working through typical math.

I love probability. I love stories. And I love marshmallows. So I wrote these probability lessons disguised as stories. Or perhaps they’re stories disguised as probability lessons. (I couldn’t figure out a way to work in the marshmallows. Sorry, folks.)

The Bear in the Moonlight consists of seven tales about a curious student and a wise, Zen-like teacher. Each little fable aims to impart a truth about probability, and is followed by an explanation of the underlying ideas. (In the pdf versions you’ll also find discussion questions, in case you’re hoping these can garnish your lesson plans).

They’re for students. They’re for teachers. They’re for anyone curious about the mathematics of the unknown and the unknowable.


Source: The Bear in the Moonlight | Math with Bad Drawings