A New Citizen Decides to Leave the Tumult of Trump’s America | The New Yorker

Still, however much I assure myself that my choice is a bold one, it is also a retreat of sorts. The terrible thing—the unspecified, unimaginable thing that I used to say could dislodge me from America—finally happened, and not to me alone but to the country itself. I’m not leaving because of Trump, but I’m not not leaving because of him, either. The day after the 2016 election, George and I dropped our son off at school, and we walked in endless, shocked circles around the park at the end of our street. We saw friends, and embraced them with few words, in tears; it was as if everyone were in mourning. We could leave, George and I began to whisper to each other. Should we leave? When will we know whether we should or not? When might it be too late?

I’m not the only one: during the past year and a half, a trickle of foreign-born or foreign-partnered friends began to leave New York, and everyone I know who has a second passport, or has the right to get one, has begun to assess her options…
