Major election security problems in 15 states

Georgia, Secretary of State, Brian Kemp

IMHO this is a real worry. Ignore the (awful) details of how Brian Kemp is trying to distract everyone from this by accusing the Democratic Party, and focus on the fact that in 15 states, there’s genuine risk of vote manipulation by malicious actors, who don’t even need to be experienced hackers at all.

The first vulnerability identified in the email is on the My Voter Page, where voters can check their registration, the status of their mail-in or provisional ballots, or change their voter information. After following a commonly used link, one arrives at a page that is not secure. To view any file on the server that runs the My Voter Page nothing more is needed than typing any file name into the web browser, the experts said.

Kemp’s Aggressive Gambit to Distract From Election Security Crisis