Facebook’s anti-privacy ad campaign

Never afraid of a challenge, Facebook appears to have embarked on a campaign to convince the world to hate Apple, love targeted advertising, and believe the social network when it says it is doing it all out of a desire to defend small businesses.

The point of contention is a feature coming to iPhones in the new year that will require developers to ask for permission before they can track what users do across apps.

On Wednesday, the company held a press conference with two such businesses: a burger company in Charleston, South Carolina, and a coffee shop in San Francisco…Facebook was vague on how the specific change proposed by Apple would affect businesses like Wilsondebriano’s. The iPhone manufacturer is specifically seeking to make it harder for developers to track users across multiple apps without consent…

However, [FB advertising exec] Levy argued that the point was to defend all such advertising. “Folks should go study Apple policies, because this is about control of the entire internet,” he said. “This is about a long-term view that is about anti-personalised advertising, and we think is trying to take the world back 10 or 20 years.”

Well said, Levy! I for one am thrilled at the idea of adtech losing the past 10-20 years of slimy innovation.
